Fights Fires

Blueproof uses your domestic radiators or water supply pipes to fight fully developed house fires.


Blueproof only operates when a fully developed fire occurs. The material forms a nozzle that self targets the highest heat point.

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Advantages of Blueproof

By reducing smoke- the biggest killer in fires-and dramatically reducing the heat in the room Blueproof can allow valuable time to escape

By already being located in the area, Blueproof is ready for action 24/7.Blueproof delivers water into the areas that are essential in fighting a fire. The water vaporises into steam that fights the fire and targets deadly toxic smoke. 

Blueproof is the only proven device that, once activated, has a dramatic effect on smoke.
It penetrates the smoke layer and scrubs the carbon particles out.For you, your tenants, or your loved ones, it may even be the difference between life and death.

With Blueproof fighting the fire, visibility and breathability can improve.Smoke is our biggest killer and every second counts when you’re trying to get out of a smoke-filled home alive.
Blueproof may give you that time to survive.

Case Studies


Blueproof animated video

Advantages of Blueproof

By reducing smoke- the biggest killer in fires-and dramatically reducing the heat in the room Blueproof can allow valuable time to escape

By already being located in the area, Blueproof is ready for action 24/7.

Blueproof delivers water into the areas that are essential in fighting a fire. The water vaporises into steam that fights the fire and targets deadly toxic smoke. 

Blueproof is the only proven device that, once activated, has a dramatic effect on smoke.
It penetrates the smoke layer and scrubs the carbon particles out.

For you, your tenants, or your loved ones, it may even be the difference between life and death.

With Blueproof fighting the fire, visibility and breathability can improve.
Smoke is our biggest killer and every second counts when you’re trying to get out of a smoke-filled home alive.
Blueproof may give you that time to survive.

Case Studies