How to supplement fire protection in UK buildings and meet ALARP
In this blog entry Dave Atkinson BSc. Chem. Eng. and inventor of Blueproof talks about ALARP As Low As Reasonably Practical and how you can meet it using Blueproof.
Blueproof is not only a great way to protect from the threat of fire but to will considerably reduce Risk in buildings and properties of all kinds.
‘Most deaths from fire occur in dwellings; a disproportionate number of such deaths from fire occur in blocks of flats and multiple occupancy dwellings. Those living in specialised housing are, virtually by definition, the most vulnerable. Compliance with the Building Regulations alone is not necessarily sufficient to address the protection of vulnerable residents from fire’.
This is a quote from the UK Chief Fire Officers Association Fire safety in Specialised Housing Guide 4th draft which is currently out in draft for public comment in the UK as of February 2017.
Unfortunately what Bluerad find is that local Authority’s are limited in their knowledge and apply themselves to the Building Regulations without understanding the risk, threat or even understanding what they can or cannot do. This lack of knowledge becomes a very expensive exercise.
Local Authority Building Control
This notice is directed to UK Authorities having jurisdiction Building Control and Environmental Health officers, not part of local authority building control, who are not familiar with the governing criteria regarding the compliance and use of Blueproof, fire suppressant devices, within buildings. It will also be posted onto the website.
Under Law Statutory Instrument 2010 No. 2214 The Building Regulations 2010 came into force on the 1st of October 2010.
Blueproof is not a material change or constitutes part of the fabric of the building and as such does not have to meet the requirements of SI.2214
Regulations 4 and 6
With respect to Fire Safety APPROVED DOCUMENT B Vol 1.
The appropriate use of a product which complies with a European Technical Approval will meet the relevant requirements.
Where a national standard is to be replaced by a European harmonised standard, there will be a co-existence period during which either standard may be referred to. At the end of the co-existence period the national standard will be withdrawn.
To meet accordance with the European Union harmonised standard Pressure Equipment Directive (PED), Blueproof has been pressure tested to satisfy the requirements of EN 441 at Seetru Ltd., validated by Lloyds of London ensuring third party accreditation. This also allows Blueproof to hold the CE mark 0038, making it the only active fire suppression device of its type to do so.
Environmental Protection
Blueproof uses the minimum amount of water to achieve fire suppression to minimise the effects of run-off from firefighting.
With respect to Fire Safety APPROVED DOCUMENT B Vol 2.
Blueproof is an active fire suppression device as allowed under the Building Regulations 2010 Fire Safety.
‘The Approved Documents are intended to provide guidance for some of the more common building situations. However, there may well be alternative ways of achieving compliance with the requirements’.
‘Thus there is no obligation to adopt any particular solution contained in an Approved Document if you prefer to meet the relevant requirement in some other way’
Ref: Approved Document B (Fire safety) pp.5 Use of guidance pp.
Dave Atkinson BSc. Chem. Eng. an expert on active fire protection and risk management is also an, inventor, speaker and a contributor to LinkedIn groups where this entry was originally featured in February 2017.
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