
Private Residents


Housing Associations

Type of construction

All properties fitted with Blueproof.

Product used

Blueproof ®



Fire Engineer




Additional fire protection Enhances the safety within Homes against Letterbox arson

Protected by Blueproof ®        

Total Number of dwellings: 100+

Additional Fire protection was added during 2013 to hallway and stairwells.

Under the building regulations no extra measures are considered against the threat of letterbox arson. Based on cost benefit analysis and performance Blueproof enables the properties to meet As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP) in terms of risk and provides an extra level of protection. Blueproof was installed due to it being non intrusive and could be fitted in minutes.

Once activated it had been proven that temperatures fell and smoke was reduced on stairwells and upper floors protecting the lives of trapped occupants assisting escape and rescue.

Why not sprinklers?

Cost During the fire at the Rosepark fire it was confirmed by BRE that a sprinkler system would not have contained or stopped the fire in which 14 residents died.

Why not fine mist?

Cost currently £2000 + per room.

To date: No leaks or failures

How did Bluerad help?

Bluerad undertook a demonstration of Blueproof at the Nottingham Fire and Rescue training Center at Ollerton with representatives of housing associations, fire and rescue authorities and architects.

What was demonstrated was that the Blueproof device reduced the temperatures throughout the 4 storey building and reduced the quantity of smoke on the stairwell.

Blueproof has been installed onto hallway heating panels in all properties. Installation only took minutes to complete. All families and residents are protected 24/7/365

Why Blueproof? 

  • Uses the existing water distribution system
  • Is non intrusive and blends into any layout
  • Is CE 0038 marked for fire fighting pipework under the Pressure Equipment Directive PED verified by Lloyds
  • Enables the buildings to satisfy ALARP
  • Powerless and maintenance free
  • 20+ year lifecycle

What is the CE mark? 

Signifies that products sold in the EEA have been assessed to meet high safety, health, and environmental protection requirements. Comply with the requirements of ISO.